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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Stavanger, Norway Day 3 & 4- Fjord Cruise

The next day, we dragged our feeble knees out to explore the town. We never really got to walk around as we were always dashing towards the docks. It was a rainy day. We strolled along the lake and past the beautiful church. Soon, we decided it was too damp and dreary to stay out much longer so we went into a convenience store and looked for a Norwegian treat to try. Ended up buying these interesting snack which was pretty yummy.

Back in Sandnes, we walked around looking at the pretty shops.

That about sums up Day 3- Recuperation.

Day 4, the sun came out again and it was lovely weather. We hadn't planned to do any activities although we knew that the fjord cruise was highly recommended. We called up the office to check on the availability of tickets as you usually had to book these ahead of time. They said no guarantee and we had to get to the boat to buy it. Off hubby sprinted to pack our stuff again and this time we had to take the train instead to make it on time. Not lying we were pretty anxious. Willing the train doors to close faster. Finally arrived and ran/hobbled/limped to the docks. We managed to get tickets and boarded the boat.

We decided to sit outside to get the full view and blast of the winds.

The view was amazing.

It was only us and a few others who sat on the floor outside. Everyone else was inside. Soon, a Spanish middle-aged woman came out and started wedging her way past us trying to sit in that tiny space between us and the railing. She was being a total pest. One of those kiasu tourists.

We started approaching the fjord.

We took a short stop to feed the mountain goats.

The boat then turned into a small cove on the left which was apparently used to shelter pirates long ago. It was so small that the boat had to reverse out.

We could spot the Pulpit Rock. Simply cannot imagine that we hiked up there. We could see dozens of lashes of light from the cameras up there.

A long way down.....interesting fact. Apparently studies show that the rock will eventually fall off one day given its structure and cracks.

Next, the boat made a stop at a huge waterfall so that we would all get drenched. This was where the Spanish lady really got on my nerves. Her mom with a walking stick decided to join her. The bag she was carrying slammed into my head multiple times and she tried to use her walking stick to push her way through to wedge herself with her daughter, effectively blocking our entire view and stealing our place as we would have to move back to let her in. 

After being out there for so long in the winds, there was no way I was ceding our space to these two who have been comfortably sitting inside and decide that they can just push their way to the front when they felt like it. So rude! Hubby told the auntie that her bag was hitting into my head repeatedly and to stop pushing on us. Her daughter and mom shot us daggers. Single-handedly the worst pair of tourists spoiling the lovely tour.

Anyway, they didn't let up. With no apologies, the mom still stood with her feet firmly wedged into my butt and thigh. Hubby and I gave up. You can't negotiate with terrorists (oh I mean terror-tourists). Any more confrontation and there would be a scene. So we left our spot and needless to say, she dove right in. We went to the side of the boat and a lovely man who I think was a photographer (given his expensive equipment) volunteered to take pictures for us. There was also this really cheery woman travelling alone who was enthusiastically GoPro-ing from every angle possible. It was very entertaining watching her.

One of the tour staff came out and stood next to me and hollered, 'There is a SEAL!!!!' The Spanish auntie barged over and shoved herself between me and the staff saying, 'Where? where? I can't see it!' Oh my word, will we never be rid of pesky tourists? I try my hardest not to be one and honestly it pains so when people feel they need to push and shove to see things. She didn't see it in the end. Silly woman. 

It was a wonderful cruise all in all. Absolutely stunning views of the fjord and the mighty cliffs. 

We enjoyed the plane ride home too. Norwegian air was the first airline I've been on to have free wifi on board. Incredibly exciting trip. Would love to be back for another shot at the Aurora.

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